
Postal Redux Review


Developed/Published By: MD Games and Running With Scissors.

Platforms Available On: Nintendo Switch, PC and PS4

Reviewed on PS4 – a code was very kindly supplied for the purpose of this review.


Postal Redux is the HD remake of the original twinstick shooter brought back to life for the next gen consoles. the official run down to give you the official lowdown  on the story:

POSTAL Redux is a high definition remake of The Postal Dude’s infamous first foray into the world. Prepare to experience his psychological journey with faithfully recreated high resolution visuals, remastered music, sounds, and dialog, and revamped and modernized gameplay. Crazed gunmen out for your blood await you around every corner. The only choice is clear: Get them before they get you. Fight back with a devastating arsenal as you make your way through a violence-stricken town.

It’s time to relive the madness of GOING POSTAL!

  • Online Co-op: Go POSTAL together with up to four players! Join up with your friends to wreak carnage together.
  • Online Deathmatch: Engage in free-for-all frenzies with up to eight players!
  • Brand new Rampage mode: Take aim for the high score in this frantic mode that awards points for sustained kill streaks, creative methods of destruction, and blistering fast action!
  • Battle through 17 levels in the classic Campaign: Beginning from your humble Home, traverse through The Mine and Trailer Park, witness the mean streets of The Ghetto and the bright lights of The City, all the way to the final standoff at the Air Force Base, including a stop at the all-new Carnival.
  • Includes the original add-ons: Blast through Special Delivery’s EZ Mart, Shanty Town, Earthquake, and the luxurious La Palamino Resort, and then head to Japan in Super POSTAL’s Tokyo and Osaka! Play through everything together in the massive combined 23-level Excess Postage campaign!
  • A wide range of foes: Defend yourself against gun crazy Vigilantes, trigger-happy Police Officers, trained and efficient SWAT and Military squads, the quintessential Marching Band, and angry Ostriches!
  • 10 weapons of destruction: Lay waste with the mighty Shotgun and Spray Cannon, roast attackers with Molotovs and the Flamethrower, fill the streets with fire with the Napalm Launcher, clear out entire groups with Grenades and the Rocket Launcher (Heatseekers included!), lay traps for unsuspecting pursuers with varied types of Mines, and introducing the commanding Revolver!


Unfortunately I missed Postal the first time around but thanks to the power of YouTube I was able to research past videos and I’ll admit the inner retro gamer in me was quite excited.

The set up of the menu is pretty simple with only two options on offer, Rampage and Campaign. Rampage is more like a survival mode with the player gaining more points for the longer you can survive. Campaign mode is pretty much self explanatory working through the story and completing levels as you go.

Playing the story or campaign mode first off gets you straight into the action with gunfire on you pretty much as soon as the level loads up with the main aim of you killing a certain percentage of hostiles at least to move on, using the twin analogue sticks and left trigger to move and shoot is a standard retro system but I for one found it ineffective as it wasn’t as accurate as I would’ve liked and also quite tricky to get used to and a few times I found myself defeated.

The weapons available are pretty awesome to be fair with plenty on offer such as shotguns and machine guns and even flamethrowers to get you through the onslaught.

Although I found the gameplay fun at times with the retro feel to it I still felt at times it got repetitive and the accuracy of the shooting target felt a bit off and made it tricky to get the shots on target.

The Rampage and Campaign mode basically runs the same with the only difference being in Rampage mode you build up points and obviously need to beat your last score, its a bit like horde mode or survival.

Overly the game is pretty cool and a decent redux of an original but I did find the shooting mechanics tricky and therefore the gameplay for me got a bit repetitive and slightly difficult towards the end.

Graphics and Sound

The graphics of Postal Redux are pretty cool with the overall retro look to it especially with the over the shoulder view. All the characters in the game look pretty good and move well nothing looks robotic or glitchey. The gameplay worlds are very well done and pretty varied so there is lots going on.

The soundtrack to the game is pretty awesome too with lots of dramatic music and sound effects definitely setting the tone. In game the effects are good with the guns sounding pretty much as they should. Overall for graphics and sounds it was a pretty good job done.


To summarise my thoughts of Postal Redux I enjoyed the game as a whole its just as the firing mechanics/controls can be tricky to get to grips with it kind of makes the gameplay not as enjoyable as it should be, but if you stick with it it does become a decent game, fans of the original series won’t be disappointed.

Verdict – Out of 5🌟

I give Postal Redux a pretty decent 3🌟 a decent enough game, the controls could be improved.

Grab your copy of Postal Redux on PlayStation Click Here

By redandbluedave

I play video games and love to write about them

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