Book Reviews



Written By: Merle Nygate.

Published By: No Exit Press.

Released: 11 April 2024.

Many thanks to the publisher for sending a copy of the book for the purpose of this review and thanks to Random Things Tours for adding me to the blog tour.


At the heart of London’s spy operations, Mossad head of station Eli carries the scars of a past disaster while grappling with the turbulent political landscape back home. His resolve to uphold his duty and keep his job is tested like never before.

Desperate to tip the scales in the espionage game, Eli concocts a risky plan involving tampered drones destined for Russian hands. But to execute this plan, he has to exploit those closest to him. Eli’s moral compass clashes with the mission, leading him down a treacherous path of betrayal.

As the stakes escalate, Eli finds himself embroiled in a deadly web, racing to foil an apocalyptic agenda. With the clock ticking, alliances are tested, sacrifices are made, and Eli must confront the consequence of his actions head-on.

Eli and his team must navigate a shadowy underworld to prevent a terrorist plot from unleashing chaos on a global scale. Will they emerge victorious, or will the darkness consume them all?


Diving into a good spy thriller is always a good thing so I was looking forward to this one in the hope of a full throttle thrill ride. The story I got was a little different to what I expected, it wasn’t the usual “gung ho” over the top action page turner this story is far deeper than you would’ve expected.

The book seems to show another side of a story that we have heard so many times before and for that I found it refreshing. Usually we have the proud Brits taking the fight to some dark force which is normally of a Russian or other descent, but we see Eli heading up the London branch of the top secret group Mossad which is righting the wrongs of their homeland of the Far East of Muslim origin against an increasingly difficult modern political backdrop.

For me personally I found it particularly refreshing to see a story told from another angle, still good Vs evil but just told in a different way and at the same time highlighting some of the struggles that you don’t normally see.

The story flowed naturally with the beginning building the foundations and setting the tension that supplies the hook for the reader and as you progress through the book the story builds pace as tension bubbles to boiling point as lines begin to blur as Eli and his team try to get justice by any means necessary which doesn’t always involve using the most ethical actions.

Using those close to get the in roads needed to get to the end goal, whether it causes hurt or not the main goal for Eli is to complete the mission as the job begins to take over his life, who he has to betray to get to that goal just becomes collateral damage, or is that really the case as we begin to see the cracks show in this strong character. Going up against the Russians could well be something he could live to regret, desperation can make the mind do irrational things.

Overall the story of Honor Among Spies takes you on a journey through a dark political landscape that shines light on a different fight that is happening everyday, it has emotion, it has betrayal all mixed together with a page turning tension.

I felt Merle Nygate carries on building her strong base of characters within this series that allows the story to grow at a pace that allows the reader to engage in the world of the story and become entwined with the overall story. Overall it wasn’t what I expected but I’m definitely glad I experienced it a book I enjoyed, I will definitely be keeping an eye out for more of Eli.




I give Honor Among Spies a good score of 4 ⭐, good character building allows the story to build at a natural pace and brings the reader into the full body of the story. I would definitely recommend this book for those that love a good story of tension within the pages.

Honor Among Spies is available 11th April 2024 wherever good books are sold.

A note on the author

Merle Nygate is a screenwriter, script editor, screenwriting lecturer and novelist; she’s worked on BAFTA winning TV, New York Festival audio drama and written original sitcoms; previously she worked for BBC Comedy Commissioning as well as writing and script editing across multiple genres.

Most recently, Merle completed her first espionage novel which won the Little Brown/UEA Crime Fiction Award. It was described by the judge as ‘outstanding’.

This review will be part of the Random Things Blog Tour, be sure to check out the others on the blog tour

By redandbluedave

I play video games and love to write about them

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